3D Resurrection Icon #1 - Three Dimensional Embossing
3D Resurrection Icon #2 - Three Dimensional Embossing
Annunciation of our Lord to Mary - Large Russian Icon
Ascension of Jesus - Large Russian Icon
Baptism of Jesus - Large Russian Icon
Christ Pantocrator - Christ the Teacher - Large Icon
Christ The Teacher (Pantocrator) - Extra Large Icon
Christ the Teacher, Pantokrator - Large Icon
Church Year Icon Set #1 - 13 Icons Depicting The Feast Days
Church Year Icon Set #2 - 13 Icons Depicting The Feast Days
Crucifixion of our Lord Russian Icon
Guardian Angel Icon - Sword and Cross
Jesus Prays at Gethsemane - Extra Large Russian Icon
Jesus Prays at Gethsemane Garden Icon
Jesus Wearing the Crown of Thorns - Large Russian Icon
Large Nativity Icon - Beautiful, Vivid Colors
Martyrdom of John the Baptist Icon, Large Icon on Hardboard
Nativity Icon - Holy Family with the Shepherds
Nativity Icon of the Infant Jesus with Mary
Nativity of Christ, Large Icon 15 7/8"x13 1/8" - The Virgin Shall Conceive and Bear a Son.