Old Testament Trinity Icon - Version 3
Old Testament Trinity Russian Icon
Pentecost - The Coming of the Holy Spirit - Large Russian Icon
Presentation of Jesus at the Temple Icon
Resurrection Icon - Large Icon by Sofrino
Resurrection Icon - Our Lord Victorious
Resurrection Icon - The Lord Lives
Resurrection of Christ Icon - Christ is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed!
St. Luke the Evangelist - Large Russian Icon
St. Mark the Evangelist - Large Russian Icon
St. Michael - Extra Large Russian Icon
St. Michael the Archangel Icon
The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus with Angels and Soldiers
The WORD - Extra Large Russian Icon
Transfiguration of our Lord Icon - Moses, Elijah, Peter, James & John
Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem Icon
Virgin Mary with Child Vladimir Russian Icon
Virgin of Kazan Icon of the Lord Jesus and Virgin Mary